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Although I didn't do anything wrong
Nothing she probably didn't do to me
For thinking about it
I feel so guilty
It is nothing wrong
We're not even together
But I don't think I
Can do that to her
How could I live with myself
If I treat her like she treats me
Without doing anything
I feel so guilty
I told her so many times
That we should move on
But for thinking about it
I feel wrong
And even though I didn't do anything
Not even the things she did to me
For thinking about it
I feel so guilty
And now I don't even recognize myself
I don't know who I am anymore
I feel like turning my back on myself
I'm no better than that whore
Just another strike against me
I am so sick with who I am
How can I claim
I am a man
See, she's a girl I
Don't want to see exclusive
But she's a girl
I still love
And just for thinking about
Anyone else with me
Makes me feel
So guilty