I Never Meant to Let You Go
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As I watch you leave me
I wish you to know
I never meant
To let you go

And as I watch your love
Tell me goodbye
I can not show
All the emotion I still hide
The emotions I feel
I can not say
Like how I never let you know
I fall more in-love with you everyday
I have so many things
I can not say
But I guess its better
You leave this way
Those simple hopes
You would wish
Request for a huge
Plead for a kiss
I do not know why
I said no
But I ever meant
To let you go

So cautious with the feelings
I'd let you see
So selfish with the things
You needed from me
Unwilling to bend
Or compromise
Unwilling to forgive
All those lies
Blamed you for showing things
You never made me see
Blamed you for being
So cruel to me
And as I watch you leave me
I wish you know
I never meant
To let you go